Protect Your Organization from Insider Threats with Expert Guidance from MindTech Global

Organizations face growing threats to cybersecurity in today’s rapidly changing business environment. Considering the rise in remote work, insider threats may be deliberate or even accidental in nature. Here are some of the insights in MindTech Global’s recent blog, “Understanding Insider Threats: How to Identify and Assess Risks,” in order to protect your organization from such risks.

Cyber Threat Assessment for Remote Workforces: Adapting to the New Normal

With telecommuting becoming the norm, traditional security measures lack the power to offset insider threats. Today, employees are free to access data deemed sensitive from different devices and unsecured networks, which increase the risks of breaches. Understanding risks and implementing proactive strategies are some of the most important components in keeping a safe operational environment.

Our blog may do the following for you:

  • Understanding the insider threat landscape: Learn about how remote work has dramatically expanded the attack surface and why insider threats are on the rise.
  • Identify key risks: Pick the vulnerabilities related to decentralized security, endpoint security issues, and phishing attacks.
  • Assess and mitigate the risks: Understand actionable steps to be taken in building out robust threat detection, endpoint security solutions, and network monitoring for remote workforces.

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